A review by broooe
Bitter End by Jennifer Brown


I don't think it's really fair for me to reveiw this book, considering I skimmed a lot of it.

I just could not stand any of the characters, they were all either selfish, abusive, annoying, pathetic or obnoxious. I never liked Cole or Alex. Cole right away I knew something was up with him. As for Alex from the start it was all "woe is me" all the time, but when presented with the chance to fix her situation she forgave her abusive boyfriend because he "love her". God forbid I ever get that stupid when I'm in love. I give you all permission to kill me if I become as dumb as she was. She also had this problem where she ignored all her friends for Cole, then bitched because they stopped making the effort and time to hang out with her, or if they made new friends.

Zach and Beth I liked at first, but Zach got kind of obnoxious, although he would be my most liked character of everyone in this book. Bethany got so selfish and bitter, even when Alex tried to be friends again. I don't know, maybe it was just me, but I did not enjoy this book. Except for when she was getting attacked by Cole because that was the only interesting parts, which is the only reason it got two stars.

I regret buying this. I really, honestly gave this book a shot, I loved Hate List. It's one of my all time favorites and this one... Frankly sucked major ass.