A review by myownbookshelves
Bringing It Home by Kora Knight


First, I think to really enjoy this last book in the series you need to read the others. I don't think you can give a fair shake to the arc of change unless you understand the journey. This is definitely one of the best Erotic Lit series I've read so far this year. It has given me everything, plus a story line, I want in an erotic read. The author has a way of sucking you into the room with the characters. Holding your breath when they do, etc. Makes for a submersion read.

Those who are looking for pure erotic you may be disappointed. You get more character development into how their behaviors mold the relationship. Throughout the series I have been able to connect with Tad, but it is told from his POV. In this book, we finally learn a bit about what makes Scott well Scott. There is pain point in the book. I think everyone can relate to mouth diarrhea moments in our lives. But the characters work it out and as the reader you get the full journey. Not just a suddenly forgive and forget.

I've enjoyed this read thoroughly. If you are going to pick this up, I recommend you start with the beginning. I'm looking forward to watching this author and reading future books.