A review by ratgrrrl
Warmaster by John French


This is another classic Black Library Advent Calendar super short audio drama that is a character study on Horus reflecting on how he never had any clue what he was going and everything's going tits up even as he continues to roll on to Terra because the Galaxy is a mess and he has to rule it!

I enjoyed it more than a few years ago. It's a pretty great reflection of where Horus' (and another's) head is at. It didn't rock my world, but it did exactly what I want from these teeny tasters, add a little colour and depth to something, even if it's self-indulgent moping.

I actually felt so inspired I rewrote it as a teenage diary entry. Technically this has spoilers and goes through the whole thing, but the story really is more of a mood piece with no new information in it.

Dear Yorrick Morrick, 

It's a tough old time being the Warmaster, you know? But I'm a big boy with a big ole mace. Why doesn't daddy love me? He gave me the special title, but there was no job description and he didn't even stick around to train me. It's been decades and a galactic-wide civil war, but is too kate to check with HR? 

I'm really falling behind in keeping up with all the everything, you know the war I have to master? I hope you don't mind me listening to live feeds from all the Heresy everywhere at once, while I write to you. Write in you? Nope! That sounds weird! LOL.

Oof. I'm feeling really overstimulated and like there's always so much tension. I don't remember the last time I really had any time to myself.

You know who I hate? Robute. Always such a big brained brave boy that daddy loved more. I can't believe he survived Calth. What a loser... I wish he was here.

Maybe listening to my most deceitful and duplicitous bros about how to get shit done was a baaad idea, but they just seem smart and cool and confident. I wonder what being given a big hug by Alf and Egon at the same time would be like? If only my sneaky beaky sibling were here, he'd how to be a sneaky without being such a lying prick. Welp.

None of the cool kids want to play with me, which is like ughhhhh! I'm stuck with all the suckiest brothers with big daddy issues and stuff. Not like me. I'm so cool and edgy and misunderstood. My family just don't get me! 

Anyways, I can't sit around typing all day like a gossiping Admistratum clerk. Some of us have a galaxy to burn. Blep.

Keep your head up! Miss you.



P.S Will be thinking of you when I totally go all J. Nelson on fleashweak, untempered blade boys.