A review by dinohakari
All We Are by Jessie Walker


[b:All We Are|201962417|All We Are (Lost Boys, #2.5)|Jessie Walker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1701878261l/201962417._SY75_.jpg|207111478] by [a:Jessie Walker|835380|Jessie Walker|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] is within the SHILOHVERSE, along with The Lost Boys duet, Still Beating and LBL.

I read this novella when the author released it within the Worthy Anthology, several months ago and it was a pleasure to read it again now that Jessie has re-released it, giving us two more new chapters from Mason's POV.

I really love reading about how my lost boys Way and Will slowly build their relationship, getting those glimpses of their life and how they gradually overcome the obstacles that appear throughout their relationship. How Way slowly blossoms and starts to lose his fear, his self shame and grows closer to his true self, learning to trust himself and trust Way and the deep feelings that bond them, is simply beautiful. I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading about them, no matter how painful it is, because I know that in the end, together they can handle everything and everyone.

Not to mention that in this novella, we also get a another glimpse of what Mase and Jeremy's story is going to be. And we already knew that if Will & Way's story was painful, theirs will perhaps hurt even more but it's going to be worth it. If Jessie knows how to do something, it is to make the stories she writes full of raw emotions and deep feelings, she does not skimp on anything, but in the end, what will always prevail will be the love between the characters.

So, after enjoying this novella enormously, I look forward to the next one in this shiloverse even more, although I know that Every Breath After is still a long way to go but I know that the wait will be worth it!

I was given and avdanced copy and voluntarily wrote a review.