A review by cherrywood
Black and Green by C.L. Stone


Wish I could say that in a new year I read a new book. But, looks like it isn’t the case. For some reasons or another, I suddenly decided to re-read [b:Black and Green|25448932|Black and Green (The Ghost Bird, #11)|C.L. Stone|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1496993814s/25448932.jpg|45213648], and now, I just can’t wait for the sequel [b:Love's Cruel Redemption|25448939|Love's Cruel Redemption (The Ghost Bird, #12)|C.L. Stone|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|45213654] to come out, especially after that preview. Speaking of which, it really has been almost a year since [b:Black and Green|25448932|Black and Green (The Ghost Bird, #11)|C.L. Stone|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1496993814s/25448932.jpg|45213648] came out. So, the sequel should be coming out soon, hopefully.

This book is a little different from the rest of the series. First off, it was told in double perspectives – both from the eyes of Sang and Dr. Green – which was really interesting to read about. Especially since we don’t really get to see from the boy’s perspectives that often. Second, Sang doesn’t really get to spend that much time with the boys in this book. Yes, there are still the occasional conversations,
Spoilerbut mostly, Sang is under lock down by her new step-mom (as in her dad’s mistress, who is quite demanding)
. Third, there is definitely a lot more kissing in this book than all the others combined, which I guess is because that the plan is now out, and it is no longer a secret. However, they still can’t really do it openly as sometimes it is hard for some of the boys to witness it. Don’t get me wrong, they are ok with it, just that it is hard for them to see it. Though it is wonderful to see that Kota didn’t reject the plan.

Overall, this book quite different from the other books, but still quite good. And for all that don’t know about it, this book is a Dr. Green book. And if my assumption is right, it looks like the next book is going to be a Nathan’s book. Enjoy.

P.S. This is a reverse haram romance series