A review by literaturesque
Allure by Nina Lane


4.5 stars

The second book was equally as enjoyable as the first, and it was good to come back to this couple and see a peak at how their relationship was before the problems arrived in the first book.

Liv's continued discovery of herself and who she wants to be is very interesting to watch, and it's nice to see her fight for equality in her marriage with Dean: for so long he's been her protector and she's allowed him to be that, to the point that he often has come to her to be HIS protector or at the very least the one he relies on. She's fighting for him to do that and he's finally seeing that he can't always rely on himself for everything.

The whole pregnancy and miscarriage breaks my heart. For Liv, but especially for Dean. It was so sad to see him believe that he failed his wife, and that he couldn't be their for her. And they way his family acts towards Live, lawd I was pissed.

The problems that happen regarding his work made me so ragey - very nervous about how that's going to be solved in the next book. This one ended a lot less abruptly or leaving you with questions like the previous, and I can't wait for the third book to come out.