A review by ellianamaselli
The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson


I have debated throughout this entire book whether to give it three or four stars. I have mixed feelings about a lot of it. I think if I had been more aware of certain things going in, I would have enjoyed it more. So, in light of that, here are my pros and cons for this book. (Mild spoilers ahead.)

PRO: The Romance

The romance was this book was incredibly charming. I was actually surprised by how much I liked it by the end. In the beginning, I wasn't convinced. I actually preferred Lord Rupert for a little while (I know, shameful, but what can I say?). But I was impressed at how tactfully the author revealed his true intentions, and how we slowly saw how wrong he was for Rose. When everything finally came out, I was happy to root for Lord Wilhelm instead.

Speaking of Lord Wilhelm, I found it incredibly satisfying how everything played out. The romance between him and Rose was incredibly sweet. The wait was long, but the payoff was great.

CON: The... Romance???

This book sort of has a love triangle??? I guess??? I don't know. It didn't really bother me, but I'd understand how it would annoy some people. In my mind, it was clear from the beginning what was going to happen romantically (at least, to a degree), so I didn't mind watching it play out in the slightest. It's pretty well done and doesn't last throughout the whole book, just be aware that it's there before you read.

PRO: The Spirituality

I did not realize this book was Christian until I started reading it, but it's pretty obvious once you start that it is. I recognize that being a Christian myself, my opinion is a little biased here. But I really didn't mind the use of religion in this book. For most of the book, it was very tactfully done (Christian spirituality, specifically concerning demons and intercession, plays a greater role in the last 25% of the book). To me, though, the author did a good job of presenting this in a way that wasn't too preachy. It was just what the characters believed. Unless someone is deeply triggered by Christian themes (which is a concern of the reader, and not a fault of the author), these shouldn't bother readers too much, no matter their background.

CON: It was... Predictable, to Say the Least

On one hand, the book was extremely predictable (both of the big twists are obvious from the moment they're first hinted). On the other hand, it was still fun watching the characters discover these things on their own. It did take them a little long to figure everything out, but the pay-off was good, I guess.

CON: It was a Little... Long... I Think?

When I first saw the premise for this book, I was expecting this book to be a certain length. And it was significantly longer than I expected. I honestly think that if I read it again, I would be more prepared for the length because actually, it wasn't ever boring. The length made sense once I got to the end. There was just more plot than I expected. So... just be aware of that.

In Sum

I still have no idea how to rate this. I guess... read it if you want?