A review by shirleytupperfreeman
From the Ashes: My Story of Being Métis, Homeless, and Finding My Way by Jesse Thistle

Jesse Thistle offers a remarkably intimate portrayal of addiction, homelessness and eventual recovery in this captivating memoir. Thistle was born, and raised (sometimes), in Saskatchewan and Ontario. By age 14, he was spiraling into addiction and he remained there for over twenty years. He tells his story in groups of years (i.e. 1993-1999) since some dates stand out and are verifiable while much of his time was a blur. After each section, I thought his life couldn't possibly get worse but - but then it did. It's hard to believe he's still alive - but he made it through and out - to become an educator and advocate for the homeless and for those with indigenous heritage. His story reminds us that recovery is always possible. Coming in August 2021.