A review by sueodd
AWOL on the Appalachian Trail by David Miller


It's been a while since I read this. I enjoy hiking, but have never had the desire to thru-hike the entire AT. I have a lot of respect for those who have accomplished that goal, and this book increased my respect for them. Although I read Bryson's Walk in the Woods, Bryson only hiked parts of the AT. Miller made it through the entire thing. Miller also educated me more about life as a through hiker than Bryson did.

Parts of it annoyed me. I'm always annoyed when someone whines about how difficult hiking is. This book started off like that (OMG blisters!). I understand it when it's from someone like Bryson, who really had no trail experience before his hike. But Miller claimed to be an experienced hiker, so the pain associated with hiking in difficult terrain should not have been a surprise. Thankfully, Miller settles in and the narrative moves beyond the physical discomfort.