A review by caseroo7
More Than Music by Elizabeth Briggs


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I really loved More Than Music by Elizabeth Briggs. This book was so good, and it was everything I expected and more. More Than Music is the first book in Elizabeth's Chasing The Dream series, and I can't wait to get more after reading this one. I really loved her writing style and the characters. I think that New Adult fans will really like this one and will fall in love with the characters just like I did.

Maddie Taylor is a music major and is about to start an internship with the LA Philharmonic and is a gifted piano player. For her best friends and roommates though, and in private for herself, Maddie also plays guitar. She knows that even though she dreams of being on stage with a band, geeky girls like her don't end up being rockstars. But when her friend's band loses their bassist, her friend's brother and lead singer of the band begs her to play guitar for them when they audition for the reality TV show The Sound. Jared hasn't been able to stop thinking about Maddie since he found her playing his guitar and singing his songs in their studio and knows that she would be perfect for the band. When the band makes it on to the show, Maddie must give up her internship and make the commitment to the band. She is finally getting to pursue playing guitar and being a rockstar, but she is also growing closer to Jared as well. Despite all the reasons they should stay away from each other, they can't help but give in to the chemistry and feelings between them. But for the show they need to remain single, as well as the other guys in the band would never accept them together. But what happens when their feelings start to become more, and Maddie grows tired of being Jared's secret while he continues to flirt with other girls? Soon Maddie is left to decide whether her feelings for Jared are worth following her dream and remaining a secret, but also losing her heart in the process.

I really liked Jared and Maddie. Jared was flirty and fun and everyone thought that he was such a playboy. He had a reputation for going out with different girls constantly and only keeping things casual. But I loved that he was actually completely different. After meeting Maddie and connecting with her on such a deeper level, he only wanted her. They had such a great bond through their music, and they really understood where the other was coming from without even having to say anything. But I also really loved how playful they were and how they also connected on other things as well such as their love for all things geek. Maddie was strong and easy to relate to and she was just so real. She was normal and I loved that she went after what she wanted. She was also vulnerable and had a few insecurities though and it really made her a character that readers could connect with and root for. I thought that Jared and Maddie had a lot in common and connected emotionally, but they also had off the charts chemistry! These two were really hot together, and you could feel their attraction.

Besides Maddie and Jared though, I loved the secondary characters as well! They were all great, and I loved the camaraderie between them. I especially loved the band and how they all fit so well together. They were focused and determined, but they were also playful and fun. I have to say that I really loved seeing their goofy times, and I really loved this one scene where they go grocery shopping and they played this game that was a tradition for them. It was so funny and for some reason it really just stuck with me! I also thought that this book was great in that it showed the reality competition in a completely different light than what you would typically see. I thought that it seemed very realistic, and I loved that things didn't go how you would expect. This story was just really fantastic, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I couldn't put this one down and would highly recommend this one. I think that a lot of readers will really enjoy this cute rockstar story, and I can't wait to read more from Elizabeth Briggs in the future.

**ARC Provided by Oops! I Read Again Tours**