A review by bookedupandbusy
Rootless by Krystle Zara Appiah



This is an exceptional piece of work for a debut novel. At 410 pages this book had me in my feelings throughout, but even more so at the 400 page mark… I did not see that ending coming, It threw me, and I wasn’t ready for it.

This book is a heartbreaking emotional rollercoaster. Not all marriages are perfect but Efe and Sam try their best to make things work. Sam is grounded and a great family man, but something is always holding Efe back. However, pressure begins to build when they have their first child and this is when we see Efe’s true feelings on motherhood. Set between London & Ghana we are taken through Efe’s struggles in motherhood. She also faces the pressures of her Ghanaian mother, Elders and pastors of what a ‘true’ mother and wife is.

The way the author depicts post natal depression and mental health issues is top tier. This is the first book exploring postnatal depression that made me consider the affect on the husband. Both Efe and Sam’s actions are questionable throughout the story, but this is a clear display of how mental health affects people’s actions. There was also an emphasis on how traumatic events that take place in our childhood can seriously affect us in adulthood.

It has been hard for me to review this book without spoilers, but as distressing as the topics are, this is a great book and I am really looking forward to reading more from this author.

***There are many trigger warnings in this book, however to name them would be spoilers. If you don’t mind the spoilers please research this book before reading.