A review by vee615
Agatha H and the Airship City by Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio


So Agatha H and the Airship City is the first steampunk book I have tried. For those who are unfamiliar, steampunk is often a mishmash of several different genres: science fiction, fantasy, sometimes historical. Often is takes place during the Industrial Revolution. Robots in the Industrial Revolution? Think of it more like an alternate timeline/parallel universe type thing. This book is based off of the Hugo award winning webcomic "Girl Genius" by the same author.

Agatha has a gift.....but that gift has been kept hidden. After the amulet that has kept her "spark" dormant is stolen, Agatha starts to create things. It is the result of one creation that leads her to the Baron's floating Airship City and where Agatha begins to awaken as a "spark" and where a secret is revealed.

This is Book 1 of the series. I have read some of the webcomic series and I thought it was pretty good. I also really liked this book. Agatha rescues herself for the most part and does not rely on a man, nor does she want to. She is smart, sexy and wears a pair of glasses. A lot of this book was set up, there are a lot of players in this series and it does a good job bringing them in and still giving it a story. I look forward to the other books in the series and to see where Agatha goes on her adventure.

People will like this novel who like: strong female leads, romance and adventure, a book that makes you use your imagination, who are looking for a bit of fluff reading.

I would also recommend this book to someone who might be in a reading slump. This is how I felt when I picked it up. It is so completely different from anything that I have read, it kept me really interested.