A review by bhrtng
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller


Okay, the reviews for Mask of Shadows aren't stellar and yes, there are some valid criticisms, but overall I really enjoyed reading this one! The premise is formulaic, a contest to become the Queen's assassin. It's Throne of Glass y'all. Except, the protagonist, Sal, is genderfluid! They're disenchanted with their life as a petty thief and this contest seems like the perfect chance to gain the kind of influence and power that would let them exact revenge on their enemies. Everything basically goes as expected and things just so happen to conveniently work out for Sal. But that's every YA fantasy! I do wish there was more time spent developing Sal, they didn't seem complex to me. I wanted to feel the pain they felt over Nacea! Without that depth their rage and revenge fantasies felt shallow and short-sighted at times. I liked the other members of the Left Hand and the glimpses we got into the other contestants, even if keeping track of the numbers was a challenge haha. And while I love the genderfluid rep, and don't believe that queer rep should always have to come with persecution or explanations, I wish there was more time spent with it than what we see on the page. Regardless, the constant action was compelling and there was a small twist at the end (not super surprising, but still!). This was an enjoyable read overall and sometimes it's nice to pick up a fantasy that doesn't require too much from the reader. It's not that deep, it was just entertaining!