A review by reddyrat
Vampire Knight, Vol. 14 by Matsuri Hino


Some manga series are pretty simple. You can step away from it for months, finally pick up a volume, and feel like you never left. Vampire Knight is not one of those series. I respect it for being one of the more complex and serious series that I've read.

I spent most of the volume thinking "What? I don't get it." It felt like I was reading an epic tragedy, but unfortunately I couldn't exactly figure out who was doing what or why they were doing it. Part of this was because I haven't read the series in months, but I think it was also because the series is just plain confusing. The summary of prior volumes at the beginning of the volume doesn't adequately set the stage and there's so much going on, that the happenings in the current volume are extremely confusing.

From what I could figure out, Kaname seems to be going off the deep end. Killing for no understandable reason. Allowing Sara Shirabuki to also kill indiscriminately. As much as Kaname says he wants to protect Yuki, his actions endanger her. I loved Kaname so much in the first volumes. I really don't want him to be evil. I feel like his character is very complex and we'll understand the context of his actions later. But I don't know...

I miss the humor in this series. It's never been hugely funny, but earlier volumes had a few laughs at Yuki's antics and especially at Aido's comical manner. Now, even though Aido and Yuki are both prominent players in this volume, there's nothing to laugh about. I do hate seeing Aido suffer. He's such a nice guy. And I hope Yuki gets back to being the strong character that she used to be. I feel like that will come soon. She seems to be in an emotional transition in this volume.

Part of me wants to give up on Vampire Knight, because it gets weirder and weirder, but I just have to see where it goes. Onto the next volume...