A review by fazila
Read Better Faster: How to Triple Your Reading Speed and Comprehension Without Speed Reading, Skimming, or Skipping by Debbie Drum


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DISCLAIMER : Thank you, TCK publishing for providing me with an ARC of this book. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I remember seeing this title on TCK publisher's website and thought to myself that this would be a great book to add to my TBR, as I am a voracious reader and would love to increase my reading speed without losing my comprehension. I have tried a few techniques in speed reading to see if it works for me, and some that worked better than the others. While the methods discussed are quite similar from program to program, it's always important to keep in mind that not every solution might work for us, and trying out different things to get the ultimate technique that works for us is the key.

Read Better Faster by Debbie Drum is a fairly short book that talks about becoming a faster reader by following the BuzzRead method. The ultimate goal that the reader hopes to achieve after reading the book is to increase/improve the reading speed, eliminate the sub-vocalization, strengthen your eye muscles, retain the information you read thereby increasing your comprehension and also increase your knowledge. The goals set out before the introduction of the BuzzRead method give the readers an understanding of what to expect from the book from the get-go.

Overall, I personally think this is a good method to try out if you can handle the robotic voice narrating to you. I have done this before reading the book. It works in keeping my focus on the book rather than let it wander. I also think if you are someone who uses audiobooks quite frequently, combining it with the physical book always works better in improving your reading. I have found this to be quite beneficial and this is something I can attest to from my personal experience. I believe the technique is worth a try. If you are interested in knowing more definitely check this book out. It is a small book that covers the basics and gets to the point relatively quickly when compared to other non-fiction/self-help books. I am giving the book 4 stars. Make sure to check out the book and see if it's something that will be advantageous to you.