A review by sjj169
No Ordinary Life by Suzanne Redfearn


Faye's husband has left for a 'road trip' and hasn't shown back up. Leaving her with three young children to raise with little money. She decides to move to LA and move in with her mother.
Then while job hunting one day her youngest daughter gets caught dancing and uploaded to YouTube.
She goes viral. Then she (Molly) gets a GAP commercial and America wants more of this cute little girl.

Molly then is up for a part in the number one TV show "The Foster Family."
She gets the part and the family is changed forever. Faye is unused to fame and all that it entails, and it can be some nasty stuff. Redfearn does an amazing job with her research for this book. At times I really did not like Faye or her actions and then at others I cheered her on. She is completely and totally human.

The side that we get as readers takes us into the film industry and we see some of the downsides of child stars. (We knew it existed but it was still juicy)

I've never wanted to be famous (because... ugh people) but if you have and still want to after reading this book-more power to you.

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.