A review by sophiedavenport
A Man Lies Dreaming by Lavie Tidhar


A truely interesting take on the holocaust. It described the beginnibg where people made jokes to cheer each other up, which it a view I'd never thought of, but of course friendships must have blossomed, despite the horrific surroundings. There was a sense of punishment being spared for 'wolf', he was put through a great deal of unpleasant things but the fact he was goven an uncertain ending didnt exactly fit right. I wanted to see him suffer the way Shomer did. I really enjoyed reading this, mainly due to its uniqueness. Some parts made me feel what I admit to be aympathy for Wolf, and thats what makes it a great read, I was constantly stopping myself from feeling certain things, and the hatred for him wasnt really shown, I think Shomer pittied him to some extent also. An unexpexted take on the holocaust. ****