A review by mon_ique
Burning City by Joaquin Dorfman, Ariel Dorfman

Here's some quotes that kept me reading.

"Airplane lights traveled past, left and right, fireflies of the twentieth century."
"...he was already sweating; the sun wasn't planning on saying uncle."
"Heller let out a deafening scream and pedaled directly into oncoming traffic."
"'COME ON!' Heller yelled at the driver. 'You can do better'n this!'"(He's riding his bike holding onto a car)
"You writers are all the same! Nobody understands you until you put pen to paper!"
"The city remembering it was summer, heat blasting through the air, up from the subways and sewers."

But about 3/4 of the way through, it just wasn't worth it to continue, to be exposed to some pretty immoral things that randomly popped up.
Reading this book was like listening to a really weird awesome indie rock album.