A review by cberlin
Love, Heather by Laurie Petrou


I really enjoyed the first three quarters of this book. I felt like the author really captured how fraught the high school experience is, specifically how complicated female friendships can be and how quickly things can escalate. This book is about a girl named Stevie who starts off the book with a solid support system, including her best friend Lottie, and how things slowly deteriorate from there. After losing all of her friends, Stevie and a new friend decide to turn the tables on the bullies of the school.

I think that the author dealt with teenage angst well, however, the end of the book really fell apart for me. I found it to be very convoluted and confusing, and kind of heavy handed with the way it tried to address the Me Too movement. I feel that this aspect of high school could have been handled in a much more tactful and realistic way, which is way I had to take off a few stars. I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley for free in exchange for an honest review.