A review by gretchenelaine
Takeover by Evelyn Sola


Take every stereotype you can of an angry color woman, mix in the stereotype of a jealous ex-wife and you have Takeover.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I loved the premise but at the same time, it just felt like the author wanted to drag this out as long as they could and toss in as many stereotypes as possible. The ongoing theme is that the hero and heroine "hate" each other, yet within the first oh 10 chapters are constantly screwing and have declared themselves a couple. I'm not sure where the enemies to lovers came in but really the 50-plus chapters could have been shrunk down to oh 30 or less. The author kept dragging out Lindsey, the ex-wife, in petty drama because the MMC wouldn't take her back. I mean I don't even know if there would be a book without Lindsey because of how much she is used as the angst within this book.

If you want a stereotypical representation with a minimal plot, go for it! Otherwise, just pass it up. Oh also opt to not listen to this book because the female narrator in no way represents a female under 30. I sometimes forgot that Tara was under 30. Troy though did an excellent job! Honestly, this book gets a 3 star because of Troy the male narrator.

I won't be continuing this series because I can only imagine how much more unnecessary drama is drug out in future books