A review by johnnyboy23
Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre De Caussade


Fr Caussade has written a book about depending on God’s will through responding to the call of the present moment. I love how simple that is yet can be so difficult depending on what state of life one is in. Also to see one’s present moment, he said, involves faith, that is, seeing everything thru the lens of faith and seeing everything coming from God to form the soul to what God would lovingly wants it to become.

I’ve struggled reading this because I saw my present moment as someone who wants to do something yet seemingly opposed to what God wants me to face in my life. I’ve prayed over it as well alongside reading this. The experience left me waiting still for God as to where and what He would want me to become. I’ve setup plans for the year but was seemingly devastated by what happened in the months that passed by. But I guess God’s delays are not God’s rejections.

Fr Caussade also noted that the self-abandoned soul is ever formed by God thru everything that God wants to use for the good of the soul. Even if that activity is veiled thru the ordinariness of the mundane rhythm of life. For me, that thought consoles me much.

What I love about this book is that it gave a reference on how one could abandon oneself to God’s Will. It describes God’s activity, what happens to a self-abandoned soul and what would become to such souls. It gave insights to cooperating with God’s will in our lives.

As a Catholic, two other books sprang to mind after I finished reading this one. One is the True Devotions to Mary and 33 Days to Merciful Love. This book supplements the other two in my opinion as I feel that there is so much grace — and it’s a treasure in the Catholic tradition — in the practice of also entrusting ourselves to Our Lady that also involves aligning our lives to God’s will. Moreover, the teachings of St Therese of the Child Jesus on offering oneself to Merciful Love was also touched upon by Fr Caussade. He mentioned humility near the end part of the book which struck me as related to what St Therese has taught.

I’d say that this one really is a treasure to the spirituality literature. I can see myself going back to this later on and would find something relevant as I look back in my life and as I live in the present moment. Highly recommended!!