A review by bookdrgn
Dark Gold by Christine Feehan


This is a very polarising book in Feehan fan groups. I fall on the love it side.
Alex has the most human reaction to being converted than any other born human lifemate. Add to that, her conversion happened under terrifying circumstances and this diminutive woman has steel in her blood.
Aidan is arrogant, a common Carpathian male trait, confident and weary. Alex comes into his life at the right time and brings along a younger brother. I love that Joshua is written as his age in mannerisms and speech. He’s not a genius, too precocious or too babyish.
Alexandria navigating the many things going on in her world - becoming Carpathian, being unable to care for her brother through the day, feeling like her position as his caregiver is being usurped by Aidans staff and liking said staff makes her a very likeable character.