A review by tashrow
Is Mommy? by Marla Frazee, Victoria Chang


Told in a question and answer format, this picture book embraces the different ways that toddlers view their mothers. The book asks if their mother is tall or short. Short! Is she nice or mean, well the book shows her both ways and why the toddler sees her as mean. The same for pretty and ugly, which is how she seems when she wakes up in the morning. The book goes on to say mommy is boring and old too. But the children love her just the same.

Seeing the reviews on GoodReads, this book is clearly not for everyone. It reminds me of a reverse take on the Russian folktale about the lost little girl who tells everyone she is the daughter of the most beautiful woman in the village and it turns out to be a homely old woman that the little girl sees as the most lovely of all. Here the children also have reasons for saying something negative about their mother. Take it as a lesson in toddler honesty and not personally and it’s a very funny read with a little bit of sass thrown in.

Frazee’s illustrations add to the merriment on the page where the children clearly know they are being naughty with what they are saying, but also delight in it too. You can almost hear the giggles and see the sparkling eyes.

Silly toddler fun, this picture book will end with lots of laughs and hugs for parents with a big sense of humor. Appropriate for ages 2-4.