A review by smtvash
Have You Eaten Yet?: Stories from Chinese Restaurants Around the World by Cheuk Kwan


3.5 - 4

Reminded me in structure to 'Taste Makers: Seven Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America'.
A brief but informative look into the lives of Chinese-immigrant individuals who've made their home in different cities/locations across the world. We visit each restaurant, meet the owners, some of the clients, the food, and learn how that community came to be. It stays strictly on the people and doesn't venture too far out into the complexities of each country's political situation.
Still there's a lot to like, as we get to know these people and how they got there and how the food culturally adapted to the setting as well as the people who cook it, says a lot about the migrant experience and the importance of the food we make. A part of me does wish that the history, the culture, and the recipes were tied together more smoothly, the way Kwan explains it, they feel like separate, parallel outcomes as opposed to intertwined, evolved experiences.

I have not seen the youtube series but I may after getting through the book. I am hungry now.