A review by loverofromance
In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams by Karen Ranney


Glynis Maclain once loved Lennox Cameron, but when he didn’t return her love, she married
someone else and left her home, and went to America, and her life changed forever. She is now a widow, and has finally returned to her home, to her family, but she is determined to not let Lennox break her heart again. Lennox is a shipbuilder, and very successful, but has never married, because there has only been one woman who has held his heart…Glynis. Now that she has returned, a widow, he is bound to show her what they can be together, but only if Glynis will let go of past hurts and betrayals and open herself up for love again…
What I loved most? Everything…hehe I know I know…but I truly loved this one, and what a great beginning to a new series. I really can’t tell you the exact name of the series yet, since that has yet to be revealed, so I have just guessed that it is about “Scottish Dreams” and the second book comes out this spring, which I am very excited about. Karen Ranney is such a wonderful author, and her talent in creating romances is beyond superb. As I am sure you know, Ranney writes her books centered on a Highlander theme, and this book is more in the Regency era. We also see aspects of the civil war, and I loved having that aspect. Its not a major element to the plot, but the certain qualities of it add a certain depth to the story you don’t expect to see. And the supposed villain, kinda turns out to be not what you really expect, and I loved seeing the varying aspects that combine this one into a winning romance that won my attention from beginning to end.
The characters in this story are truly unique and I found their personalities to compliment the plot really well and in ways that surprised me. Lennox Cameron, is quite successful and goes after what he wants. He is a fabulous hero, but I felt like the story focused more on Glynis than it did on Lennox. We see more inside depth on her character, and of her past a bit, and how her previous marriage changed her, but what I also liked is how this story really implements the self discovery of herself even more than you expect, and I liked seeing her inner strength show more, and we see how she is a great match for Lennox. Even though we don’t see as much of his character as we do of Glynis, we do see his struggles a bit, and how their personalities really mesh together in a way that is just wonderful.

This love story is quite a winner for me, I had so much fun with these two, and boy do they know how to add conflict to their relationsip, and they don’t make it easy on themselves and just admit their feelings to each other…oh no they have to do this long mating ritual, but the final outcome is definitely worth the wait. Overall I enjoyed how the different elements of the story come together in the end, for a full satisfying read that will captivate you. A STELLAR ROMANCE!!