A review by alilbitofmonica
Funny Story by Emily Henry


I devoured this book like it was life saving medicine. And maybe it was, because I feel healed after reading this.

Daphne and Miles are wonderful leads. I love Miles's ability to attract everyone and love hard and loudly, while Daphne is more standoffish at first and loves hard but silently. Each of their family dynamics influenced who they became as adults, and navigating that in the midst of the breakups was difficult, but their slow but steady friendship turned more was beautiful to watch.

The third act conflict almost had me breaking a window, but I held myself back and I'm pleased with how things worked out. I love romance books where ridiculous circumstances bring completely normal people together, and this book really highlights how absolutely realistic they both were in their outlandish situations.

This was my second Emily Henry book, and I didn't love People We Meet on Vacation (it was the timeline jumping) so I was very relieved to love love love this one.

Audiobook notes: I think the narrator did a fantastic job of bringing Daphne's perspective to life. Everything felt well paced and this would be easy to follow with audio alone.