A review by kentcryptid
Prosperity by Alexis Hall

I can't really give this a fair review because I bounced so hard off the style it's written in. It's narrated entirely in the voice of one character and the author has chosen a kind of pseudo old-timey slang-filled dialect for him, which I found incredibly wearing. You might get along better than I did if you can happily deal with text like:

I know it ain’t honourable, but way I smoke it, any nick-ninny flat can get what he deserves, so the real trick is getting what you don't... Turned out circus was highfalutin for circle. How dingberrying pissed was I? But I kept the name anyways... Once I got ’em lulled, I started skinning ’em, and quite the dance it was cos they weren’t no buffle-noddles... I cast my glims over the assembled vessels, wondering which one of ’em would be least rattlesome and smellsome

And on, and on.

The world-building is nothing special and relies heavily on steam punk clichés without much thought behind them, but I did like the sky krakens.