A review by yazaleea
After Rain Falls by CE Ricci


God, did this book made me fucking ANGRY at times. I growled so hard I know my neighbours must think I'm a feral animal.

Just like in the first book, I still, for some reason, enjoyed it. I swear it's the drama and the angst and the toxicity.

In my review of the first book, I ranted about how ridiculous the plot and events were... well, book 2 manages to be somehow even worse. Secret societies, murderous step fathers, forced angst for days. I just can't believe this all happened, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE AN AGSTY COLLEGE FOOTBALL BOOK LMFAO why do we get the illuminati??

For the romance - it kinda sucked, and then it was so cute and then it sucked and so on, and so one. I hate Rain with a passion. He is the messiest character I've seen in a while and he kept pissing me off. He acts like a dick to River to "stay away and protect him", and two seconds later he acts all possessive and in love, and then back to cold and then be angry because it's so obvious he is in love with River, why does River doubt it? He is just shacking up with his best friend slash ex infatuation, sending the craziest mixed signals and be an asshole. How is that not obvious love! If he only just committed to being an asshole, it might've made sense, but he doesn't. He spends his time whining and finding excuses about how and why he is hurting the people around him.

After reading some reviews, I went into this fully expecting to hate Roman to death. But I'm a contrary bitch, so the moment I had decided to hate him, I knew I was going to end up liking him... He pulled some fucking awful shit, including touching a passed out River without his consent. Something which Rain got angry about for all the wrong reasons: he was JEALOUS, instead of STOPPING his friend from ASSAULTING another person. The scene was never addressed again, lol. So that was bad. Roman is pushy, and pathetic, and I lowkey loved that for him, and I hate to say that I am kinda excited for his book, now. Yes he is an asshole, and he did borderline shit, but I feel like his upbringing explain the way he thinks? Doesn't justify it in any fricking way, he is an ass, but I am just intrigued. He has so many secrets and anger and I want to see where all that goes. I just wish he had been Rain's actual friend instead of the mess their relationship was. His crush literally did nothing but, again, bring more unnecessary drama and angst and a "oh look it's such a twisted book!" element.

River was a mess. I really liked him in the first book and in this one he was a mess. He has been in love with Rain for 5 seconds but it's enough for both of them to be destroyed by the break up, okay this is fiction. But Book 1 River was always pushing and challenging Rain. Book 2 River is so passive it hurt. After Rain kisses Roman, after River gave him an ultimatum, Rain doesn't even apologises, just drops an I love you and then all is forgiven, and it made me so angry. I hate Rain, he really just kept fucking up. Telling the truth from the start would've literally made no difference, it was legit just for drama's sake and I hate that. Because why are you going to break up with him to keep him safe and then just cling to him and do everything to endanger him?? it's all for nothing?? it's so dumb??? SO yep, River lost all his personality for no reason. Then he gets shot for Rain and all is right again, he even gets to heal in time to go back to playing COLLEGE FOOTBALL. And bam, full circle, Roman gets a weirdo creep epilogue for no reason (he is still my poor little meow meow) and happy ending woooh.

I don't know why I liked some of it, but I was angry for the most part of this read. I know the enclave books series is on hold and that makes me sad, because I do want to read about the other Enclave guys, but it is how it is I guess, but tomorrow, I'm angry reading Roman's novel. Fuck this shit.