A review by olafindisguise
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult


I'm so fucking angry. This isn't going to be a coherent review.
The story had so much potential. Could've done ANYTHING with it.
And the author chose to go with......That.

First of all, too many unnecessary narratives. Campbell, Julia, even Jesse's, at times.
Out of all the things in the world, the subplot just had to be
Spoilera failed high school romance that still haunts them 15 years later?
Are you kidding? Nobody cares.
Brian, nobody cares about the goddamn stars. Shut up about the stars.
Sara was a massive cunt who ruined all 3 of her children physically and psychologically, and not only was glorified for every single selfish and manipulative thing she did, but also got everything she wanted in the end. Fuck that. FUCK. THAT.

I hated the cop out ending.
SpoilerThe child who was fighting to live a life where she was able to make her own decisions about her own body, goes brain dead 30 minutes after she gains said independence and the sick sister is handed the kidney on a silver platter and gets to live the life Anna never ever gets to even get a glimpse of.
and they were all so ~sad~ it gave them a reason to redeem themselves. How fucking convenient for everyone.

I hated the court turning into a sweet lovey-dovey family reunion straight out of a goddamn soap opera, despite the fact that Sara mistreated, guilt-tripped, and manipulated Anna until the very end. I hate the "No matter how fucking manipulative your parents are, they're still your parents and know better so listen to them uwu." agenda winning, when independence was the very thing the author was pushing for throughout the story.

This is going straight to my garbage shelf.