A review by nitzanschwarz
Beauty from Pain by Georgia Cates


 So, I found some notes from a review I planned to write way back in 2014 when I read this, and because I am not going to write that review, I might as well put them here:

*Beauty From Pain is another one of these book I saw everywhere, but never felt strongly enough about to pick up - until it was free on amazon for a short while. I thought - "what the heck?" but I went into the read being very apprehensive because a couple of other well known and loved books I've read beforehand really sucked for me.

*Luckily for me, Beauty from Pain was not one of those... it was actually a surprisingly good read!! (though I skimmed through some of the sex scenes).

*Loved the fact the book is really misunderstanding-free, and deals with their relationship and getting to the point of love.

*Sad ending though!

*I'm actually excited to read book 2, but I'm now afraid of reading the next book in the series cause I've read the characters don't feel like themselves .Yikes!