A review by ezichinny
Elements of Chemistry: Heat by Penny Reid


This book picked right up where book 1 Attraction ended with Kaitlyn Parker at her Lab partner Martin Sandeke's party watching him with another girl. But Martin manages to quell squash the misunderstanding and then him and Kaitlyn give into the attraction she has been fighting.

They are so cute together. I love Kailyn's clear sense of right and wrong, and how she works hard to stay true to her values. She manages to get Martin to stop being so angry and share a little of his plans. Unfortunately, the plan Martin has to get vengeance has collateral effects for many people. Kaitlyn has to make a hard choice about how she can counteract Martin's plan. Will their love survive Kaitlyn's choice?

Martin Sandeke's driving ambition:  photo tumblr_mkpmaop6cL1qiil5wo2_500_zpsndyzdmwl.gif

left Kaitlyn Parker like this:  photo Shailene-Woodley-bored-GIF-1428695942_zpssukxuhp0.gif

and Martin Sandeke like this:  photo Dean-Winchester-Sheds-A-Tear-On-Supernatural_zpsu9gutule.gif

I highly recommend having all 3 books on hand before beginning to read this series. I don't know how people managed to read these books and wait for the next one. I love the writing, the humor, the character development and the narration of the series. What a refreshing change. I am about to move on to book 3.

**Special Thanks to Tantor Audio for the audiobook given in exchange for an honest review.