A review by psyckers
And Another Thing... by Eoin Colfer


With Eoin Colfer been handed the mantle of continuing in the footsteps of the writing genius that is Douglas Adams, expectations was high, possibly impossibly high.
What we get is the gathering of most of the core characters (Melvan, unfortunately died in 'Mostly Harmless'), as they go in another zany adventure. This involves the God 'Thor', Zephod being his manager, an immortal green alien who wants to die, and of course the now teenage and ansty 'Random' Arthor and Trillian's daughter.
The story is more straight forward and longer than we are used to in this series, the length of some of the chapters can be off puttingly long.
Persevere though and you will be rewarded with a surprise conclusion about the Vogons attempt to eradicate all humans.