A review by amandaventure
Blood Red Kiss by Gena Showalter, Larissa Ione, Kresley Cole


*** DISCMLAIMER: This is only my review of Dark Swan by Gena Showalter. ***

Dark Swan is a novella that starts pretty much directly after Dark Taste of Rapture ended. AIR is still on the trail of the Schon Queen. For anyone who’s been following the Alien Huntress series knows, Dallas has been a central figure and we’ve all been patiently waiting for his turn as lead hero. In Dark Swan he meets his heroine, Lilica, who just so happens to be one of the triplet sisters to the Schon Queen Trinity. (And no, that’s not a spoiler. It says so in the blurb!) Dallas wants to destroy the Schon virus by any means necessary, including destroying Trinity in the process. Lilica also wants to see the end of the Schon virus but will stop at nothing to save her sister from it. They must work together and along the way love happens of course.

Now that we’ve established the facts of Dark Swan let get into the nitty gritty.
Did I enjoy the story? Yes.
How did I feel about it being novella length? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I think that would be my only criticism for Dark Swan. It was just too damn short. There was a lot of new ground covered here and I just felt like there wasn’t enough breathing room. I wanted more. I wanted to delve deeper into the characters. We only got small glimpses into Dallas and Lilica’s pasts and I just wanted to keep digging. After finishing the story, I still get the sense that the characters are still a bit of a mystery to me. Can I guess and assume their feelings and reasoning? Yes, but it still feels a bit like conjecture. Basically, what I’m trying to get across is that I just wanted maybe another 100 pages to learn more.

I feel like the Alien Huntress/Otherworld Assassins series’ are the orphaned children of Gena Showalter’s works. So perhaps now that Jade has finally been introduced to John maybe there will finally be some traction going on John’s story and we can finally get the conclusion to the series!!! I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!! Come on Gena Showalter, don’t let a long-time fan down at the finish line! GIMME GIMMIE GIMME!

Last but not least, let’s mention the smut. To be honest, there really wasn’t a whole lot of it in Dark Swan. This could have been remedied in that extra 100 pages I mentioned this needed. There’s basically just one sex scene and a little bit of heavy petting. Considering what a Lothario Dallas is, I would think that he would be up for some more action. Just saying…