A review by undertheteacup
Christmas Inn Maine by Chelsea M. Cameron



Holy moly this was soooooooo Christmassy. Like overwhelmingly so. Utterly incomprehensible amounts of cookies were consumed. There was sledding, wreath-making, present-buying, Christmas carols played on the piano, Christmas charades, a Christmas pajama fashion show, decorating the afore-mentioned cookies... thank god for the occasional charcuterie plate the main characters shared between bouts of sex.

All this with a main character who had intended to spend two weeks of holiday alone in an inn reading, drinking hot chocolate, and gazing out at snow. To be honest, a big part of me wished I was reading THAT instead. Especially because I read Colden as neurodivergent and related to them strongly, and the sheer amount of peopling they had to do at the Sterling Inn was incredibly uncomfortable to me. It made sense that it wasn't actually good for Colden to be so withdrawn and holding back from loving relationships, but this felt like waaaay in the opposite extreme.

The banter between the characters was great though. And I did keep reading while grumping about it endlessly to my roommate, so I think something about it did work for me in the end XD