A review by caseroo7
Wait by A.L. Jackson


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Wait is the fourth book in the Bleeding Stars series by A.L. Jackson. This is the first book that I have read in the series, and it can be read as a standalone. I do think that this book might have been better experienced when read in order, but it isn't necessary to enjoy it.

Edie and Austin had a connection that was unbreakable, until everything changed. Austin broke Edie's heart and her trust, and when she ran he thought that he would never see her again. Years later, neither of them expects to spot each other from across the room while Austin is on stage and Edie is standing in the crowd. Even though Edie knows she should run, she finds herself drawn to Austin once again. Austin knows that he destroyed everything, but he is determined to get her back even if that means waiting for her to learn how to trust him again.

Austin and Edie both had pasts that had huge impacts on who they were and I really felt for both of them. Their connection was so strong, and no matter what had happened or how much time had passed it remained unbroken. Each of them had so much depth, and I thought that A.L. Jackson did a great job of creating these complex characters that had so many layers to them, revealed over the course of this book. Getting each of their POVs here really added to the story, and I felt as though I was experiencing everything right along with them. I will say that this one was an emotional journey, and I felt it all right from the start.

The one thing I will say is that at times things were a bit slow here and I struggled a bit at the beginning to get into this book. A.L. Jackson has a tendency to be a bit vague and tease the reader a bit before revealing much of anything, and there were times that I was a bit confused and frustrated. Luckily I felt invested in the story and characters and had to find out all the details of both the past and where things were going in the present, and I stuck with it. Things picked up and then I didn't want to put it down! A.L. Jackson has a way with words, and her stories are beautiful. This one definitely brought out all the emotions, and I think that readers will really enjoy this book. I look forward to reading more from A.L. Jackson, and I can't wait to read more in this series!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**