A review by tantestian
The Good Girls by Sara Shepard


Sara Shepard really knows how to do plot twists and this book is no exception. I went into this knowing who the killer was before-hand and yet the book had me hooked. It really was a great reading experience knowing who it was and following this person through the book and noticing all the tiny hints that were there all along. Shepard made these hints so small that they were easy to overlook, but once you know who it is, it dawns on you how obvious some of them were - and that is really good writing IMO. Shepard really impressed me with this one and knowing who the killer was before-hand didn't ruin the experience at all. I'd even go so far as to say it really added to the reading experience.

One thing I would like was for there to be a bigger climax in shape of a final confrontation of a bigger magnitude than the book presented to us, but all-in-all a very good read.