A review by lisaluvsliterature
Second Chance Santa by J.J. Knight


I was lucky enough to win a giveaway for a digital ARC of this from the author in her newsletter. I have loved the books in her Pickle series that I’ve read, I still need to finish that series. And I also liked Tasty Mango. Which was related to that other series as well. And I loved that this book pulled those characters in as well! I won’t say how, that would give away kind of a surprise twist in the plot.

But I started out really enjoying because it is a second chance story and I have a second chance romance I’d like to spark up myself. One thing I like about this author is that even with all the hilariousness of the things that happen and the funny banter, she not only brings the sexy times, but also gives the characters so much depth and background to give the characters more to overcome besides just the romantic aspects. I actually didn’t quite see some of what happened with these characters until it popped up.

The author did keep me hanging for a while longer with Mack’s back story, and I was anxiously turning pages (on an e-reader) to get to find out what made him take the path he was currently on.

Another part of the story that totally made me laugh was how the bit about how she had forgotten her password and had to stop and get a new link sent so she could change it and get into a website. I loved that part because while it may seem like such a mundane thing, it is honestly something that happens so often I was thrilled to see it actually put into a story. Even as small of a bit as it was, it really stood out to me that the author included those types of moments, making the story seem even more real!

Now, if only I can get Santa to bring me my own second chance romance this year!

Review first posted on Lisa Loves Literature.