A review by graceekelleywrites
This Too Shall Last: Finding Grace When Suffering Lingers by K.J. Ramsey


It is a rare book indeed that can convict, comfort, and startle you with joy in the span of a few sentences. Reading this book I alternated between reading with a pen in my hand, and without, because truly, if I had had it in my hand all along there would have been endless underlining on nearly every page. K.J. Ramsey writes with poetry, drawing you into places and concepts that are theological, based in neuroscience and her own counseling background, that would perhaps otherwise be quite difficult for the average lay person to understand. She persuades you to deep meanings that you might want to reject off hand—after all, how could suffering ever bring good into our lives? But K.J. draws you in and paints a picture of a completely new way of living in the midst of suffering—not wishing it away—but instead tuning in to the presence of God always and forever with you in the middle of it. Because ‘in his presence is fullness of joy’ (Psalm 16:11), I can be present to my own life and difficult circumstances, and allow the joy of Christ to be here, continually shaping me and making me whole.