A review by jigsawgirl
Unforgiven by Rebecca Zanetti


This was a great addition to this series. The narration was on point. The storyline was fantastic.

Unforgiven can be read/listened to as a standalone, but I believe it was much more enjoyable after reading the previous books in the series. Reading/listening to the other books give IMHO a much clearer picture of the different relationships, how they developed, and why there is such a close bond between everyone.

This book kept me fully engaged from start to finish. If I had to label this, I think I would go with romantic suspense/psychological thriller. Jethro and Gemma's romance was an integral part of the story, yet didn't overwhelm it. The emotions in the book were often intense. Yet, I also loved the humour, wit, and sarcasm from the different characters, Wolfe being one of my favorites.

Fletcher was scary and unnerving. Monty was too, in his own way. Between the two of them, the level of danger and suspense stayed at a high level until the very end. Many times, I realized I was holding my breath while listening and had to remember to breathe, lol.

I loved Trudi in this book. I felt like she was the light, the one that brought out the protective feelings and determination to keep her an Gemma safe. Trudi was cute, sweet, and funny. I thought she was also the light that helped balance some of the darkness in this book. Roscoe is always good for comic relief.

I was happy to revisit the gang again. Angus/Nari, Wolfe/Dana, Millie, Brigid/Raider, and even Mal/Pippa made an appearance. I was excited about Ian and Oliver being added. Enjoyed their interactions with Trudi.

Overall, I enjoyed everything about this book. I wouldn't have been upset if it had been a longer, just so I could read about the reactions of the police, FBI, and HDD at the end.