A review by queerlitloft
The Scent of Rome by Lise Gold


I wasn't sure what i'd make of this book as it isn't my usual go to - but the lure of the city Rome pulled me in.

I think the author did a fantastic job of enabling a reader to visually imagine themselves in Italy; some of the descriptions and scenes literally made me feel like i was back in Rome walking those cramped streets- right down to the culture, architecture, food and people.

I liked that the main characters Rome and Nadine, had professions that were more unusual than i've seen in other books. The characters back stories and jobs seemed throughly researched and made the book a joy to read, as it all seemed plausible in real life.
The supporting characters also seemed a good fit and again in turn were believable - right down to the grumpy neighbour Luca!

Overall this was a sensual read on many levels, with a wonderful depiction of Italy all whilst still covering some serious issues such as abandonment and the #metoo movement.

A joy to read in the end.