A review by cleothegreat
Prelude to Bruise by Saeed Jones


‘Small with wild legs, the boy stole your eyes
the day he was born.
In a language you’ve tried to keep
from him, your name is mother of sorrows.
When he does not answer your latest call, dream
him grown and gone: far off, a vial of your tears
on his nightstand.
In the autumn of his blood, he will siphon your hurt
to a child dying of thirst; the only inheritance
of worth in the village of your synapses.
But—for now—he’s still your boy. Sweet little
wreck. Check the room you’ve locked him’

3.5 stars. I feel like this was a brilliant collection-the rating only reflects the lack of connection I felt due to the gap between my experiences and the authors but for someone that truly understands?? 100% 5 stars. poetry is subjective. I look forward to reading more of the authors works!!