A review by laurenjodi
Melting the Ice by Jaci Burton


Melting the Ice
2 Stars

Why do I continue with this series? Maybe its the sensationally sexy covers, or perhaps it is the occasional glimpse of a great couple and engaging storyline as in books #2 Changing the Game and #5 Thrown by a Curve. Unfortunately, Melting the Ice does not provide that elusive story, and the cover does not compensate for the stilted writing (Burton can do so much better) or lackluster characters.

Drew is a narcissistic jerk whose humungous ego knows no bounds, and Carolina is a doormat plain and simple. She forgives Drew’s behavior both past and present far too easily apparently because he looks good in the clothes she designs.

Drew and Carolina’s chemistry is virtually non-existent. There is no real emotion in their relationship, which mainly consists of of a series of mechanical sexcapades in outlandish locations. Simply put, their romance is non-sensical and unbelievable.

The secondary characters are nothing more than window dressing and add absolutely nothing to the story. The updates to Evelyn and Gray’s romance feel as if Burton is merely going through the motions, and the short trip to the Briscoe family is tacked on as a short intro to the next book.

In sum, a contrived, predictable and mundane addition to the series, which is a pity as Burton’s sports romance concept has such tremendous potential.