A review by guardianofthebookshelf
Promises I Made by Michelle Zink


Grade: C+

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: I love heist books. And I apparently really like characters named Grace. Grace Fontaine is a lovely character. She's done a lot of bad things, and she knows they were bad. She doesn't excuse all her actions, and she's trying to be a better person. Not many books show the fallout and consequences of big things like the crime the Fontaines tried to pull off in Lies I Told, so I appreciated what Promises I Made had to offer in that area. This book provided resolution in pretty much all the important areas - Grace's friendships, Grace's romantic relationship, and the loose strings in book one. However, in a lot of ways, this sequel was wholly unnecessary. The first part of the book was very slow and introspective - which can be good. However, I would have much rather seen Promises I Made in the same book as Lies I Told. Certain parts of both could have been cut and we'd all be better for it. A lot of Promises I Made was told in summary, so Ms. Zink could have even made it an epilogue to Lies I Told, or even a novella. Ah, well.
Bonus points, though, for Marcus and Scotty. They really cared for Grace, and I loved that.
There's a fair amount of f-words and s-words. Romance and violence were pretty much nonexistent, though.

The Verdict: Good, but honestly not necessary as an entire book.