A review by melissabalick
The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed by Mystery, Chris Odom


After learning about "negging" by watching the TV show Silicon Valley, my boyfriend let me know that there is a whole group of pick-up artists who have a whole system for bedding pretty much any woman and that it includes "negs." Once he explained it to me a bit, I started to see it everywhere! And I decided to read a book that would explain this method so that I would not be blind to it.

Honestly, I expected this book to be a lot more offensive than it was. I never saw Mystery's show and the only experience I have with him and his method is this very book. So any statements I make about his methods are based entirely off this book and nothing else. For the most part, I think his methods are fine. I have no doubt they're effective and I think that men being a bit more wise to what women are looking for (namely, high social value) is helpful to both men and women. I would advise my male friends who struggle to pick up women to read the book. On its own, I don't think the method needs to be used unethically.

However, it COULD be used unethically. In my opinion, if you are a man reading this book, you can then choose to be ethical or to be unethical. The book won't make that decision for you. You could bed a lot of women, you could break hearts. Or you could find true love.

There are a couple things that don't make much sense to me. First, how do you determine who is a 9 or 10 on the attractiveness scale and who is a 6, 7, or 8? Like, for instance, I feel like I'm a 9 or 10! But because I'm not basic, I don't have lots of make-up, fake nails, I'm not tall, and I'm just clearly not a person who works to make sure you think I'm a 10. But there are a lot of people who find that more attractive. So, should you neg me? Maybe, if I'm ignoring you. But otherwise, no. I think that, considering the subjectiveness of a 1-10 atractiveness scale, it makes more sense to only neg women who ignore you or in some other way projects that they think their social value is higher than yours is.

Lots of the negs I find pretty condescending and although I might think you had higher social value if you used them, for me personally, that is not likely to be to your benefit. Some of them are so stupid that I'll think you're stupid if you use them, and then I won't have interest in you because I only like intelligent men. But that brings me to the other flaw of this method, in my opinion: it would work great on basic women by basic men, but if you want a woman who is intelligent, cultured, or unconventional, you'd need to really adjust this method. Mystery is probably someone who sucks and goes for sucky women, which is fine. If this book had been written by someone more interesting, the examples of gambits you can use to demonstrate your own higher social value might be less basic.

On the other hand, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe all this shit would work on the truly cool and interesting women as well. I don't know and I can't test it because I'm not a man. However, in the event that I decided to try to date women instead of men, I do think that a lot of this would be effective for me.