A review by slc333
Accidental SEAL by Sharon Hamilton


1.5 stars Could have been good but wasn't. Both Christy & Kyle annoyed me. The whole 'romance'was stupid. He attacks her (he thought she was an intruder). She is terrorised but he apologises so they go out (umm stupid decision No 1 Christy) - they have one date and sex then he blows her off. Christy is hurt but decides to stalk him cause what they had was so speshul (stupid decision no 2). He tells her he is not interested then turns up a couple of days later for sex. Which they have before he dumps her again. Does Christy take this as s sign they are not meant to be - no. She continues to chase after him. She lurves him (Umm why? you barely know the man and all you have to go on is great sex and crappy treatment of you). He continues to use her for sex then dump her 'for her own good'. Ugg what a dumb relationship. And I wasn't overly impressed with the whole Navy Seals being kidnapped by drug gangs plot as it didn't make a lot of sense. I am sure there are plenty of people who will happily work for drug lords - even those with military training. That they would kidnap not one but two active duty Seals because they want them to work for them was just crazy.