A review by jamies_shelves
Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau


Twins fighting for the right to the throne? And they're actually best friends? Yes please.

I was so excited to read this book. Not only is the cover GORGEOUS (I mean look at that), but the plot sounded really fun.

And it was for the most part. Carys was a really interesting character. She's a skilled fighter and will do anything to protect her brother. One of the first scenes of her involves her purposely getting herself in trouble, knowing she will be whipped, to prevent her brothers sickness from being known. They believe that if people find out about her brother's illness he will be killed. So we know that she cares deeply for her brother and is willing to sacrifice her wellbeing for it. She's also flawed and we know that she is suffering from an addiction.

Then we have Andreus. Holy fuck do I HATE THIS GUY!!! After his sister gets herself BEATEN for him, he doesn't go and check on her! Instead he decides to have sex with the fiancé of his brother that just died that day. What a great guy right? And he only got worse from here. Reading his chapters were actually painful because he was such a shitty human being. And also one of the dumbest characters I've ever seen. He is this desperate to continue sleeping with this girl that he's willing to just believe everything she says and completely turn on his sister who has literally done EVERYTHING for him!?!? DOUCHE BAG.

The plot itself was pretty interesting and I was interested the entire time. I'm happy we finally realized why they need the lights at the end. Watching Andreus spiral was crazy. He went so far so fast that I was shocked. And the only thing that killed me about Carys was that she was so willing to keep giving to her brother, when he obviously didn't care about her at all.

The romances were not something I was invested in at all to be honest. Except for hating Andreus and Imogen.

I am interested to see what happens in the next and last book. I'm hoping we get to see Carys kick some ass!