A review by madhupria
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind by Koa Beck


If there ever is a hierarchy within a movement fighting for human rights, is that movement fighting for human rights for all or for the individual(s)? To think about the collective is difficult within a capitalistic system, but that’s exactly what perpetuates the status quo. It’s not about a few women attaining the power that men wield; it's about disrupting the ability to wield that power in the first place.

The many historical events outlined in this book shed light into who gets left behind and how a narrow category of women dominate the narrative of ‘empowerment’. The meat boycott by the Jewish housewives was really fascinating. This particular event illustrates that even women with little political power can make an impact by organizing collectively and push for policies that benefit everyone.

Queer women, women of colour, working class women, women with disability, older women, fat women, we all matter!

Side note: I wish the book was better edited so it would’ve been more focused particularly when describing more recent events. But it’s a minor issue.