A review by kidclamp
Batman & Robin, Vol. 1: Batman Reborn by Grant Morrison


The first time through I didn't like this title, I had trouble following the story and the art, but something nagged at me to go back and try again and I am glad I did.

I have always been a fan of Batman, no matter how many people tell me Spiderman is better, so I was interested to see a more modern take on his character. Of course, this is actually a take on Robin becoming Batman, but it felt good to me. A little less dark than some of the Batman I have read, I think the focus on the relationship between Dick Grayson and Damian, Batman's son, works well and provides comic relief for the creepy villains of Pyg and Flamingo.

The art is great here too, especially the cheesy Batman sound effects being spelled out in smoke, fire, and blood. The vibrant colors explode off the page, and I don't think I've ever enjoyed a villain's outfit more than Flamingo's hot pink suit.

I am hooked on the series.