A review by katephobic
The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley


Quick thoughts because I don’t feel like doing an in depth review (and I only do these for myself to reread them anyway)

-I can see why Jim Morrison liked this book, enough to name his whole band after it

-I really want to experience what he’s talking about now but he said don’t do drugs if you’re prone to anxiety…. Maybe not for me then

-The “brain valve” was a cool thought because some people definitely experience different things in different ways. Maybe it’s about consciously choosing to pay attention to everything in the world vs not, or maybe people are genetically hardwired to feel some things more deeply. LSD can open anyone’s brains temporarily and forever make them more appreciative

-The thoughts at the end about nonverbal education were intriguing- Huxley says that our current education system is lacking and we need more sensory input/non-verbal stimulus. We’ve done a better job at this today but my ADHD brain always wants more. Do we access this only through drugs? That was what I thought he was arguing, but that wouldn’t make much sense for kids

-Loved Huxley’s curiosity and non judgement about other cultures

-A little dated but still pretty applicable to today