A review by antlersantlers
Rosalie Lightning: A Graphic Memoir by Tom Hart


Packed a similar emotional punch to [b:Don't Go Where I Can't Follow|163209|Don't Go Where I Can't Follow|Anders Nilsen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328052552s/163209.jpg|157543]. I didn't realize that Tom Hart was married to [a:Leela Corman|147756|Leela Corman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1343228276p2/147756.jpg], who has also written some really powerful comics about the loss of their daughter. I think this hit be really hard because of the babies I know. My best friend just had a baby and Alicia's daughter is basically the same age as Rosalie when she died. Plus all the playgroup babies I see every week! It's hard not to think about those wonderful children when you read something really tragic like this.

Hart's drawing style is really textural, almost visceral. It's kind of at the other end of the drawing spectrum to Anders Nilsen's hyper-precise style. You can feel the ache in both.